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Airport Street, Al-Hussein District, IRAQ - Baghdad

Phone Number: Admin ( Hot Line) : +964 -7700300770 / Legal Dep :+964 -7901928327 - +964 -7801965501

Phone Number: Complaint Dep +9647704666663

Phone Number: CEO : +964 -7711887766 - +964 -7511887766

Email: Administration : [email protected] / Legal Department : [email protected]

Email: Complaint : [email protected]

Email: CEO : [email protected]

1- There is an email on the website of ([email protected]) and it is used by the relevant department only.
2- There is a severe protection process in not leaking the correspondence received from the complainant
3- Providing support and assistance to the sender by the competent legal and administrative department at the general headquarters of the company and contacting the director of the company directly
4- The response to the complainant will be from 3 days to 7 days as a maximum after checking and deliberating with the paradise, which is formed by the director of the company and supervises the progress of the investigations
5- Protection from retaliation in all cases, and after resolving disputes between the complainant and the company, there are provisions in the Iraqi law, which are written for both sides before the subject court to preserve the protection of the complainant and any other party.
 6- After resolving the disputes occurring, the Human Resources Department holds a friendly session for the two parties, and the Executive Committee will coordinate between the two parties, make them friendly, and submit a letter signed by the director of the company on mutual consent and tolerance